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Mecanizados y Oxicortes, S.L. has been a beneficiary of the grant program managed by Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento Rural (AGADER) and co-funded by Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rural. This program aims to support the creation and development of viable non-agricultural economic activities, with the goal of generating new jobs and promoting economic revitalization in rural areas through investment projects in non-agricultural activities.
MECOXI – Mecanizados y Oxicortes, S.L has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to achieve a more competitive business fabric and thanks to the fact that it has participated in the visit to the Hannover Industrial Fair (Germany) to promote its internationalization. This action took place in April 2017. For this, it has had the support of the International Promotion Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Pontevedra, Vigo and Vilagarcía. A way of making Europe.
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Complete processes
for any equipment
Certified company
ISO 9001/ISO 14000
Qualified professionals
high degree of experience
Over 20 years in the sector
naval, automotive, food and construction